Concord Point
Lighthouses of Maryland
In 1827, the lamps were first lit in the Concord Point Light Station, which is located in Harve de Grace, Maryland.  Constructed near the mouth of the Susquehanna River, the lighthouse stands thirty-two feet in height.  Built under contract by John Donohoo, the lighthouse has proved to be a sturdy structure, still standing proud today as the oldest continuously operated lighthouse in the state of Maryland.  The light, now automated, conducts its nightly duty by emitting a fixed green light.

The lighthouse is open to the public during the summer months.  Visitors will find that the lighthouse is located in a park like setting, with picturesque waterfront scenery.  The quiet surroundings allow you to step back in time and imagine what it was like to be the keeper of the light station.  Don't forget to take your camera!!!
To visit the Concord Point Lighthouse, take Hwy. 40 to Harve de Grace.  Turn on Hwy. 7 East which becomes Revolution Rd.  Turn right at the intersection onto Union Ave., you'll see a sign for Concord Point.  Then turn left on to Layfette St, then continue to the end of the road and the lighthouse will be directly in front of you.
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Concord Point Lighthouse